Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Reading and Listening to Scripture Online


Bible reading is a breeze with
the Online Audio Bible.
At their website anyone can read
verse after verse of their choice in
The King James Version while
listening to a powerful reader.

.To give it a try go to
(for info and instructions).

Find the link at the
bottom of the page:
then from there
choose the option
btw- The Gospel Of John is
a special Book of the Bible for me.
Galatians 2:20 (which I place on most
of my websites) has long been one of
my cherished verses. It would be
interesting to find out a couple of
your favorite books and verses.


Reading/ Online-News/ Poetry/ Magazines

While scanning over the online news headlines, I follow
the ones I want to know more about, then drift along to
other subjects that come to mind- as many web surfers
do. I too, can stay on the computer for hours if I don't
MAKE myself take a break from it and do a bit of cooking
and cleaning. Much of what I find interesting I then share
it with my friends and in our email newsletters.


Reading poetry and other creative writing is a joy for me,
the flow and rhyme bring peace to my mind. Sometimes
I jot down a poem or story myself, then file it away until
I get brave enough to allow someone to read it.
Poetry seems to come more often when I am at the
extreme ends of my emotions... when I feel sad or low,
or when I feel happy and uplifted.


I enjoy reading clean jokes,
wise quotes, uplifting articles and
an occasional book (that is non-fiction).

I have a couple friends who pass magazines
on to me. I enjoy such as "home, nature, family,
health, gardening and/or
cooking" type
magazines. While reading them, I usually
clip out the recipes
which sound yummy to
me. It may be a while
before I can get around
to trying some of
them, but once one has
proven to be good, I add it to my cookbook
and share the new ones with friends who
also enjoy cooking and are
glad to have a new recipe.

Those magazines also keep me company
when I have waiting time at an appointment
(which can happen often). After removing
any mailing address labels beforehand
(and having not done any clipping from them yet)
they are recycled again when I pass them along
to other patients trying to wait patiently.


movies, tv, radio

We cancelled our satellite-tv service last Spring (2008).
With the small amount of television that we watched, it just
wasn't worth the cost. Because of the internet we don't miss the
local and world news because of the online articles and videos.
Many items can be seen at a time of our choosing after the program
has aired. Actually, we learn more about some subjects
on the 'net than we would have on television.
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Mike and I occasionally watch a DVD
at home complete with our usual "movie" snacks...
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Buttered Popcorn, A Chocolate Candy Bar
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and ice-cold Cola completes the treat!

We keep our radio on during part of most days.
There are Talk Radio Stations in our area that
even though have opposing view-- can be entertaining
and somewhat informative. When the discussions turn
to Current Events I give it my full attention.

I feel a lift when I listen to a local
"Family" radio channel which includes
News, Commentary, Interviews,
Praise Songs and Contemporary Christian Music.



My Favorite Games Are

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Mahjong Dominoes Spades

Friday, December 26, 2008

Tatty Bear/Teddy Bear & Butterfly Graphics

I gather the best butterfly graphics and
cute Tatty Bear/Teddy Bear characters
that I find online. I
really enjoy using
them to spiffy up my emails and webpages.
From time to time I add a few more to this page.
Maybe you have a graphic to share
with me by posting it in my comments



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I know the bears above are not Tatty Bears
but they still are Teddy Bears with butterflies

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Butterfly Art


Tuesday, November 11, 2008



Amateur digital photography is a fun hobby of mine that I can share... watching for "just right moments" and taking photos of "those unaware" at family gatherings and other occasions. I have online albums site that I use to send photos to the subjects of those snapshots but do not post to the web. Usually even the folks who don't like being photographed are glad to have the memories caught by the camera; for those who would rather not be a part of an album I certainly delete them from it. Other places and things I enjoy watching and taking pictures of are our pets, nature; especially flowers and gardens; The Pearl River and the beauty of its surrounding area near our farm. Be watching for link icons to take you to some of those albums.

Flower Icon Divider Pictures, Images and Photos

Monday, November 10, 2008

'Ships' and 'Boats' & 2 great poems


I collect items from 'Ships' and 'Boats';
also graphics and "whatnots".

We have many nautical items in use
and on display in our home.


...Photobucket Gone from My Sight
by Henry Van Dyke

I am standing upon the seashore.
A ship at my side spreads her white sails to the morning breeze and starts for the blue ocean.She is an object of beauty and strength. I stand and watch her until at length she hangs like a speck of white cloud just where the sea and sky come to mingle with each other.

Then someone at my side says: "There, she is gone!

"Gone where?" Gone from my sight. That is all. She is just as large in mast and hull and spar as she was when she left my side and she is just as able to bear her load of living freight to her destined port. Her diminished size is in me, not in her.

And just at the moment when someone at my side says: "There, she is gone!" there are other eyes watching her coming, and other voices ready to takeup the glad shout: "Here she comes!"

And that is dying.


sailing Pictures, Images and Photos
THE SHIP OF LIFE by John T. Baker

Along the shore I spy a ship

As she sets out to sea;
She spreads her sails and sniffs the breeze
And slips away from me.

I watch her fading image shrink,

As she moves on and on,
Until at last she’s but a speck,
Then someone says, “She’s gone.”

Gone where? Gone only from our sight

And from our farewell cries;
That ship will somewhere reappear
To other eager eyes.

Beyond the dim horizon’s rim

Resound the welcome drums,
And while we’re crying, “There she goes!
”They’re shouting, “Here she comes!”

We’re built to cruise for but a while

Upon this trackless sea
Until one day we sail away...
Into infinity.
